Magicians of the East

The Magicians of the East, often called Half-Bloods are humans with an ancestral linking to the extinct Elven race. This background has given them the distinct gift of the ability to both access and control magic. They are physically identical to the Pure-Bloods of the West, but this distinct feature has caused them to separate from their human brethren.
The Magicians of the East are the survivors of the late nation of Feydel, named after the last of the Elves. Their home is based in the settlement of Deltano, where they try to survive in the destroyed world and preserve their way of life.
The nation of Feydel began a generation after the beginning of the Age of Man. With the climbing population of mankind, the Half-Bloods became more and more apparent and they swelled in numbers alongside the Pure-Bloods. They began to make use of their magical abilities and grow stronger within the rising Markem empire.
They were different from the Pure-Bloods though, and difference breeds hate. The two people began to vie against each other constantly. Thinking themselves as the superior of the race, they tried to take control of the government and install their own. As the Markem nation tilted to the brink of Civil War, the Markem nation completed extensive research into the magic abilites of the Half-Bloods, and traced the magic to a traceable energy, called Living Energy Matter. With this discovery made, they began to develop protection and weapons to combat LEM.
With the upper hand over the Half-Bloods, the Markem Nation declared a massive exodus against any and all Half-Bloods within the West. Rather then face destruction, the Half-Bloods migrated to the east and abandoned their homes, while any who refused to comply were found and exterminated.
These homeless people traveled across the entire continent of Torren until they could go no further. They reached the eastern coast and set up the city of Feydel, which became their capital. Here they were free to embrace their ancestry and practice their culture. They soon expanded across the eastern lands and used their powerful magic to summon golems for labor.
It was not long before the Half-Bloods learned how to harness their magic energy into a physical form. Making use of natural crystals that grew to the south they were able to store energy and expel it at will. Crystals became in high demand, and became extremely expensive throughout the kingdom. Crafting of the crystals was dangerous and often only provided weak levels of energy, so alternatives were sought after.
Years later, an abundance of natural growing crystals were found in the Southern Swamps, the homeland of the Bogmen, an amphibious species that lived in scattered tribes. The Bogmen refused to give away their crystals, which they referred as sacred holy objects. Their refusal ignited a conquest of their homelands by the Half-Bloods for a series of years. The armies of Feydel swept through the area, causing vast, magical brush fires that decimated tribes, and lightning golems which battled the Bogmen in their swamps. The Bogmen were outmatched, and the last of them were defeated and died out.
The Southern Marshes became a bustling colony for the Feydel nation, and they became fabulously laden with crystals of all types and colors. Their wealth made them a target however, and the Markem Empire took notice of their magical crystals, and sought to acquire some for themselves.
The war truly began in the swamps, where a battle erupted between a trading caravan of the East and a scouting part of the West.The caravan reported that the soldiers of the Markem Empire attacked them in an attempt to steal their cargo, while the scouts reported back that men of the East attacked them upon sight. No one can say for sure what happened, but after the incident, both sides saw it as an excuse to declare war upon each other.
The following war decimated nearly every corner of the globe, with very few surviving the weapons of mass destruction that ended the conflict. Large missiles carrying a deadly amount of explosives laid waste to every corner of the nation. Only the strongest of magical shields was able to protect a very small amount of the population within the capital.
Those who survived are now only known as the Magicians of The East, and set up a small settlement far from the destroyed ruins of their cities. They remain largely without a form of leadership, but there is a weak democracy set in place where the majority takes votes to determine actions, when one is needed. For the most part though, people govern themselves freely. There is no goal besides survival at this point, and it is that common goal that holds them together.