The history of Cromm is long, but much of it has been lost to the void. Even current history stands to be forgotten, and if care is not taken, there will be no one to remember. Cromm is in the Age of Man, 612 years to be exact. The beginning of the Era was marked with the death of the last Elf, and it seems the Age of Man may soon end in the same manner...
Dragon War Bog WarThe Dragon War

The Dragon War was the point in history where the Markem nation turned its attention from one of expansion to domination. Their power had grown faster than anyone had expected of them in a few hundred years. What they lacked in physical strength they made up for in overwhelming numbers and advanced technology, the likes of which had never before been conceived.
The first place they set their sights upon were a number of weak tribes of orcs in the countryside, which they conquered quickly and moved to the northern mountain ranges. The Kelran Mountains were the nesting place of the native Dragons in Torren. The Dragons were an ancient and powerful race that had once ruled the world before the Elves even existed, according to legend. They had given way of control to the Elves in pursuit of simpler lives under the agreement their lands would not be disturbed.
They liked their elevation and isolation from the rest of the world and built their nests within the large caves inside the mountain. From their perches they rested, but their comfort and isolation left them ignorant of the new Age of Man, and the coming dangers. The conflict began when the treasures of the Kelran Mountains were discovered by the bustling nation of Pure-bloods during their energy crisis. Deep veins of coal, iron, copper and even precious gold lay untouched within the stone mountains. The Markem nation made contact with the Dragons, and demanded they be given access to the mountains for mining. The Dragon king, Lah'gar'rek refused the Human's request and demanded in turn that the humans leave the Northern lands at risk of being destroyed. The Humans agreed to leave the area peacefully. Not an hour later however, they stopped their retreat and ordered their artillery to bombard the caves on the closest mountain. The long range weapons hit the mountain and caused large explosions, and injured the Dragon king.
Bog War

The Bog War marked a historic landmark in the rising of the Feydel nation. It showed just how quickly they had advanced in power since their splinter with the Markem empire. In a mere few hundred years, they had risen from a single settlement to a rapidly expanding and cultured people spanning a good portion of the continent of Torren. Their rise, along with that of the Men of the West took the world by surprise. By the time anyone realized they were a threat to the stability of Cromm, it was too late.
Two years after the end of the Dragon War, the changes that took place in the Markem Empire threatened their exiled neighbors. In an effort to expand their own power and be able to stand up against the Pure-Bloods, the High Counicil of Feydel, an appointed group of a collection of the wisest men and women from the nation, began to look to make use of the naturally-occurring magical crystals to enhance their people. Progress was slow due to a lack of resources however, and the nation began to look for stores of these crystals outside of their borders. It was not long before they found an abundant supply that was housed in the southern swamps of Torren, guarded by the native people of Bogmen, an amphibious and primitive race.