Magic (or Living Energy Material, as the Pure-Bloods call it) is the energy that courses through the veins of the Half-Blood race.
Magic is a sign of elven ancestry, and the stronger the line of elven connection, the more powerful the magic the individual is able to summon.
Many types of magic exist, with different uses and attractions to different users. Typically, individuals are drawn to a natural affinity for one type of magic that their line has history with. To master this magic is a commitment, many years of study are needed to learn to control the natural power within the individual.
Most magicians will only learn to channel one form of magic effectively, while those that are strong enough to master multiple gain the rank of battle mage.
Flame | |
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Flame is one of the more simple branches of magic energy. Its control extends to the manipulation of flame, to create heat, light, and obviously, fire. While it is only capable of controlling the one element, its versatility is not to be overrated. Fire has been critical to civilizations of every era, and it can be helpful in both practical uses and deadly in combat. Although its helpful aspects should not be ignored, it has long been warned that fire is one of the most wild forms of magic, as fire acts and reacts like a wild beast, and in can quickly break free of a magician's control. As with other magic types, repeated channeling will alter the life force of the individual to grow accustomed to that type of magic, and those who are exclusive to the channeling of Flame will find their appearance shifting to one with darker skin tones and redder hair, and often develop freckles. |
Frost |
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Frost magic is another division of magic that revolves around the manipulation of frozen temperatures. In many ways it is the opposite of Flame, and as such, a Flame magician could not effectively channel Frost, and vice-versa. Frost magic draws upon cold temperatures that are not normally natural to the lands of Torren. This cold has the ability to stall and freeze many features of the landscape, as well as manipulate the weather patterns, unlike Flame. Frost is a stable and reliable form of magic, and does not pose a threat to the user. While it is not as chaotic in nature as other types, it has a limited versatility. Despite this, it is still a powerful form of magic and should not be underestimated. Frost magicians often develop paler traits of their natural colors due to the body's adaption to exclusive channeling. |
Lightning | |
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Lightning is the most chaotic and deadly form of magic available to a sorcerer. Lightning is raw and uncontrolled energy, and as such it is extremely difficult to master. Doing so often comes at risk to the user, as many users can become consumed by madness before reaching the completion of their skill. The prolonged usage of lightning manifests itself in strange ways. Physically, appearances of those who practice lightning can manifest itself in strange colors, especially in the eyes and hair of the individual. Mentally, those who practice lightning are egotistical and have violent tendencies. They are often boisterous, risky, and prone to challenging others. |
Reanimation | |
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Perhaps the most disturbing of all the magic forms, reanimation is seen as the manifestation of the dark side of magic. It was a practice that was forbidden originally by the Elves but one adopted by the Half-Bloods during the late stages of their exile. It was supposedly discovered originally by accident, but trips into abandoned elven libraries yielded the forbidden knowledge to the growing nation. Although it is not one of the more powerful or chaotic forms of magic, it was used extensively during the Great War to draw up legions to fight against the Men of The West, who outnumbered the Half-Bloods with their mechanical drones. |
Force | |
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Force is a simplistic and reliable form of magic, one that poses little risk to the user and lacks any offensive capability. Practicers of Force magic are capable of projecting walls of energy that can block and absorb different kinds of attacks, and also to create protective wards. Those who practice in the Force line of magic are typically observant and reserved, but the affects of prolonged channeling are minimal on the user. |
Curative | |
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Curative magic is a complex and consuming form of magic that requires a good deal of knowledge of anatomy. While most other magic forms are innate, curative requires more of the caster. A skilled practicioner can perform miracles, both on the field and off the field by using their power to heal wounds, from minor to lethal. Curative magic is not chaotic, and is considered as stable as force energy in threat to the user - up to a point. While using curative magic, the user is directly spending their own essence to replace that which is being lost by the patient. It is for this reason that a user is to be wary of how much energy they put into their casting, as too much could inadvertently lead to their own demise. It is a magic form that does not have a natural cut-off point, and so casters must be aware of their own limits. |