Men of the West

The Men of the West, previously known as the Markem Kingdom, named for their control of the bay of Markem, is comprised of pure blooded humans. Although humans existed for a long period of time, the nation only truly began to rise after the decline of the Elven People. Its capital, Markem was established over a century before the death of the last Elf.
It was not until then, however, that the humans began to expand and claim their place as the dominant race over the world. They built their cities upon waterways for trade, and later use for mills. They reproduced fast, and they soon had swelled in number over the course of the next hundred years.
With their coming expansion, they obtained more materials and supplies to put behind their industrialization, which came with the construction of more and more efficient and complicated machines. The nation was constantly shifting, and especially after the discovery of electricity, which the humans were quick to implement into every part of their society.
With the need for power increasing dramatically, the kingdom of Markem looked for mineral resources to harvest in the land. Not long after, they discovered that the mountains to the northern reaches of Torren were rich with coal and other valuable metals. The humans were convinced they had to get their hands on the territory, and so they proceeded to begin to mine into the mountains and collect the goods for themselves to further expand and run their growing nation. This upset the Dragons of the region however, and they came down from their nests to stop the exploitation of their homes.
With the promise of power and rich ores just past their reach, the humans mobilized and took the only path to claim the mountains for themselves, and to kill the native dragons. The Dragon War was waged over the course of 3 years, battling the mighty beasts for their territory. While the Dragons were revered for their strength and power, they were overcome by the weapons of Humans, which included ballistic weapons and armored machines that fired explosive rounds.
The mines of the Kelran Mountains became a major industrial center, and factories began to mass produce with the new fuel from the world. As the mines got deeper and deeper, the environment became much more dangerous to send humans under the surface. Engineers worked to develop the first fully automated worker, to utilize robotic workers instead of humans. They were outfitted with drills and lasers to bore into the rock and retrieve the desired ores. Once they were shown to have success in the mines, they began to become demanded in other places across the nation.
With the rise of technology, some of the humans began to upgrade themselves in turn, and scientists delved into the fields of bionics. As with other fields, they achieved astounding success, and quickly brought their new technology to the people. Citizens began purchasing augments to strengthen their bodies or give them increased functionality. The largest section of the cyborg population was in the military though, with soldiers being given access to give themselves bionics for use in combat. When the word came that the Magician Kingdom of Feydel, the children of the Elves had also begin to acquire large amounts of power that they harnessed in gems and crystals, the people of Markem became anxious once more. They sought to acquire the crystals from the people and take them for themselves, as they had done to the dragons and their mountains.
With the victory of the Dragons the Men of the West were confident and began scouting the lines of their neighboring kingdom under the idea they could demand tribute. The kingdom of Feydel responded in declaration of war however, and they sent their armies against each other. The results of the war were catastrophic, and the population was decimated in the final hours of the war. Unstable catalyst crystals were unleashed in their lands by spy teams which destroyed living bodies for miles. Only a sliver of the population survived in the most powerful of LEM shields in the capital.
The Men of The West began to rebuild however, unifying to establish a safe haven in a new world full of chaos and destructive magic. They built the settlement of Bathon far from the poisoned ruins of their cities in safe lands, and here they try to establish themselves once more.